FAQs and expert advice about bridal lingerie

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The right support

The right support

Q The bras in my underwear draw are all different sizes, I never feel like I get it right, so I'd like to be fitted for my bridal underwear. I'm nervous about the process though, can you tell me what it involves?
A Beth Kates says: I hear this all the time! And you simply must invest in new bras that will support you, and most importantly, fit you correctly. Everyone who's come to my personal bra fitting studio and been in the wrong size has said they feel different when they leave – more positive, confident and comfortable. Some had even been in pain due to wearing the wrong size before.

You want to look and feel the very best you can for your wedding and honeymoon too. It all starts with wearing the right underwear and this is what I'm passionate about. The process is very simple, you come and visit us, bring a photo of your dress, we measure you and find the right underwear that flatters you and helps you feel amazing under that dress. We will listen to what you're trying to achieve whether you want a corset or just pretty lingerie. We can even order bespoke items for you if you need something we don't have.

Coming to Liberty & Love is like meeting up with your expert friend who cares about you. There's no pressure from me. The most important thing is that you will know your correct size and this is the start of you feeling stunning on your big day.

Beth Kates, Liberty and Love

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