FAQs and expert advice about accessories

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Sussex Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

A touch of frost

A touch of frost

Q What is your advice on creating a winter wonderland wedding?
A Chrysanthi Kanari says: Congratulations, you're getting married in the winter! So, how do you enter into the spirit of the season? I'd say fur, feathers, a veil and an assortment of accessories would give you an advantage in showing your creativity and sophistication.

We've designed a range of themed collections in different colours including hair accessories and boutonnières to dress to your whole wedding party, bringing an extra touch of wintry elegance to your big day. What's your preferred colour?

Chrysanthi Kanari, Your Creative Moments

Especially for you

Especially for you

Q I've been obsessed with the idea of having my own customised veil ever since falling in love with Meghan Markle's. How can I go about this and what bespoke design options are available to me?
A Tabitha Buckley says: It's always so exciting to work collaboratively with brides, creating a truly personal accessory. An embroidered veil isn't just something for the wedding day, but a beautiful heirloom and keepsake to treasure long afterwards.

First and foremost book a design consultation to talk through your veil ideas. Here at Tabitha Textiles, we can embroider onto a pre-bought veil or if you're going fully bespoke, you can choose from a range of luxury tulles, styles and lengths. This allows me to tailor the measurements to fit perfectly with your dress and overall look. Tulle and embroidery samples, along with unlimited design mocks ups, are sent to you once your bespoke veil is booked in the diary.

I often get asked: “So what can I have embroidered on my veil?” The answer is pretty much anything, within reason. Most brides will request their initials with those of their spouse-to-be along with their wedding date, however if this is an autumn wedding you might have flowers in your bouquet to represent the season, or generally like the idea of woodland flora and fauna. You might even have a favourite song lyric or poem that holds special meaning for you. It's possible to design something truly unique to capture your story as a couple.

Tabitha Buckley, Tabitha Textiles

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